remember, this is the same event that mitt romney said i am severely conservative. he was trying to appeal to that base. i am interested to see how far he is willing to go to appeal to this crowd. crystal, let s look at some of the folks speaking today. rand paul, donald trump, jeb bush to name a few. who do democrats want to run against? i think jeb bush is one of the stronger general election contenders and has indicated that he is not willing to just cow tow to the far right to get to the nomination which would set him up to be a stronger contender. he has major fund-raising backing behind him. from that perspective, jeb is tough. i think rand paul and some of the governors are tough in a different way just because they form a strong contrast with hillary clinton and her background. they can argue on something new, on something different. i think in terms of who would be easiest to take on it looks like donald trump is not going to run, but he would be an easy one for democrats
guess what? the soviets wouldn t look good. so i m just saying, now we re going to sanitize everything. the country denied vomit thus far, though praising the cyber attack. it began with the executives of sony e-mails being released. that pointed to racial statements there about our own president, barak obama. so this is getting deeper and deeper. but now when you go and threaten the safety of our citizens with another 9-11-style attack, undoubtedly so, the f.b.i. is involved. i m sure al-qaeda is not going to like the chris kyle movie. so should we cow tow that and not go see it? they said it was extraordinary. it s unbelievable. al-qaeda hasn t sent up these e-mail threats. the businesses have to react in some way. so apparently this landmark theater group has decided we re going to pull the plug on the premiere. but what would do you? do you think it s appropriate? there is no credible threat other than online.
i think because they are afraid of someone like me who speaks her mind, independent minded from the party, is not going to cow cow tow. i have my own ideas about the healthcare. i have knowledge and experience. my father and mother are retired mission physician and nurse. i have a lot of problems with the affordable care act. i have a lot of problems with the corporate, the big corporate written gang of 8 immigration bill. and i speak my mind. they don t want people who speak their mind in either party. they just want people to follow the leader. and that s not me. well, i took a longer look at this to see where the incumbent congressman tier ran any is, vis-a-vis the republican opponent and they are neck and neck. they are trying to threat from you, looks like vulnerable race it? is.
i think because they are afraid of someone like me who speaks her mind, independent minded from the party, is not going to cow cow tow. i have my own ideas about the healthcare. i have knowledge and experience. my father and mother are retired mission physician and nurse. i have a lot of problems with the affordable care act. i have a lot of problems with the corporate, the big corporate written gang of 8 immigration bill. and i speak my mind. they don t want people who speak their mind in either party. they just want people to follow the leader. and that s not me. well, i took a longer look at this to see where the incumbent congressman tier ran any is, vis-a-vis the republican opponent and they are neck and neck. they are trying to threat from you, looks like vulnerable race it?
the cliff and break with them. i think because of what you said earlier, they are beyond persuasion. in their district this plays well. so they re a lost cause. as long as john boehner feels he has to cow tow to them we are stuck in this quagmire. thank you for reminding me of. that i remember the congressman on the right winger, don t the bankers and economists tell you you don t dare default? i said how do you find out what is going on in the world? he said i raised a family. how do you talk to people like that? up next, stephen colbert s plan to [ male announcer ] imagine this cute blob is metamucil.