SALEM, Ore. Oregon smoke management efforts are getting some financial support, including areas of Southern Oregon. State grants announced today include Jackson, Josephine, Klamath & Lake Counties, among others,
SALEM, Ore. Oregon smoke management efforts are getting some financial support, including areas of Southern Oregon. State grants announced today include Jackson, Josephine, Klamath & Lake Counties, among others,
Family Access Network Receives $7,500 from Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation
The Family Access Network (FAN) received a $7,500 grant in support of FAN Advocate services in Deschutes County from Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation in July 2020. These funds will help connect disadvantaged children and their families to crucial resources like rent assistance, clothing, food, healthcare, and much more.
“Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation’s steadfast support of FAN over the years is truly inspiring. They have improved the lives of countless Oregon families, and played a vital role in ensuring children’s basic needs were met during this particularly difficult year.”