Economic Times | 10 Jun, 2021 | 10.07AM IST
Covid News Live Updates: India reports record rise in deaths with 6148 deaths and 94,052 new COVID cases
India reports 94,052 COVID19 cases, 1,51,367 discharges & 6148 deaths (highest in one day) in last 24 hrs, as per Health Ministry
Total cases: 2,91,83,121
Total discharges: 2,76,55,493
Death toll: 3,59,676
Active cases: 11,67,952
Total vaccination: 23,90,58,360
10:07 AM
Madhya Pradesh | Shops reopen in Bhopal as unlock comes into effect
Madhya Pradesh | Shops reopen in Bhopal as unlock comes into effect from today. Night curfew will remain in place f…— ANI (@ANI) 1623299585000
09:31 AM
Total cases: 2,91,83,121
Total discharges: 2,76,55,493
Death toll: 3,59,676
Active cases: 11,67,952
Total vaccination: 23,90,58,360
Economic Times | 07 Jun, 2021 | 09.37AM IST
Covid News Live Updates: India reports 1 lakh new infections, and 2,427 deaths in the last 24 hours
Total cases: 2,89,09,975
Total discharges: 2,71,59,180
Death toll: 3,49,186
Active cases: 14,01,609
Total vaccination: 23,27,86,482
09:37 AM
AR Rahman receives first jab of COVID-19 vaccine
AR Rahman is currently residing with his family in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Though the COVID-19 cases have fallen in several states of the country, in Tamil Nadu the pandemic has still not been brought under control.
09:20 AM
New discharges: 1,74,399
New deaths: 2427
Total discharges: 2,71,59,180
Death toll: 3,49,186
Active cases: 14,01,609
Total vaccination: 23,27,86,482
08:53 AM
Blinken calls on China to cooperate in getting to bottom of COVID-19 origins
Number of COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in the country has exceeded 22.37 crore. A total of 14,20,288 people between 18 and 44 years received their first dose and 27,203 beneficiaries of the same age group received their second dose on Thursday, as per the Health Ministry.