Targeted payments to businesses strugging in the red traffic light, an interest-free extension to small business loans, and flexibility on tax payment dates are being offered by the government.
Businesses hard hit by the red light setting and Omicron will be able to get some relief from a new Government support scheme outlined by Finance Minister
Childhood Services Ireland cautiously welcome childcare funding arrangements for February
Childhood Services Ireland, the Ibec group representing the Irish childcare sector, has cautiously welcomed the Department of Children’s funding arrangements for the childcare sector up to March 5.
The group says that while there are a number of critical areas where further detail from the Department is urgently needed for providers to make informed decisions, the package should see providers through the next six weeks.
Under the terms of the funding
arrangements, services which remain open will continue to receive 100% of their NCS and other legacy scheme funding, 70% of ECCE funding, and continue to receive the Employment Wage Subsidy Scheme (EWSS) at the enhanced rate.