As India faces a turbulent time handling increasingly new COVID-19 cases, news has emerged about a new lineage (B.1.618), which is being colloquially called the Bengal strain .
According to a report by TOI s Subhro Niyogi, experts say that this lineage may be capable of escaping a person’s immune surveillance, even if that person was earlier exposed to a virus without this lineage, and even if vaccinated. There has, however, been no research yet to either corroborate or dismiss the fears.
Incidentally, the double mutant type (B.1.617) was only reported last month.
“The proportion of B.1.618 has been growing significantly in recent months in Bengal,” said Vinod Scaria, who researches genome mutations at the CSIR-Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology (IGIB) on Twitter, adding, “along with B.1.617 it forms a major lineage in West Bengal”.