covid medicine. that s right. our first thought from the defeat the mandates organization that i work with. we are partnering with the truckers convoy, was that rumors of the event we are planning in california on march 5 may have triggered the language that we saw in this bulletin from homeland security. you are exactly right, this is a way of painting a political or social opponents. people who don t disagree with certain public policies as domestic terrorists. othering them in a way that tries to characterize them as engaging in criminal activity or engaging in subversive activity. all the people in the anti-mandate movement are trying to do is engage in free speech activity and draws us back to our constitutional rights in
dan: coming up on unfiltered. the dems have done a total 180 on their covid policies. when does the coronavirus lock down the culture? i think a couple months before the 2022 mid-terms. they have nothing else to run on. so they need to run on your freedom is the result of our good decision making.
states. the agency received reports of truck drivers potentially planning to block roads to major metropolitan cities. received reports? they are getting reports now? how did they receive those reports? why? someone break some rule? what does that mean for you. what if you support the truckers. what if you post online about it? will the dhs consider you a terrorist? joining me is someone on the organizing committee of the trucker movement. dr. aaron kheriaty. we had you on a few weeks ago talking about the threats to signs and medicine where doctor s medical rye licenses could be pulled for prescribing