India has logged 310 new coronavirus infections, while the active cases have decreased to 4,709 from 4,972, according to the Union Health Ministry data updated on Monday.
India has recorded 535 new coronavirus infections, while the active cases have decreased to 6,168 from 6,591, according to the Union Health Ministry data updated on Thursday.
India has recorded 1,331 fresh COVID-19 infections, while the number of active cases have come down to 22,742 from 25,178, according to the Union Health Ministry data updated on Tuesday.
India on Sunday logged 2,380 fresh COVID-19 infections, while the number of active cases came down to 27,212 from 30,041 the day before, according to Union health ministry data.
India has recorded 3,720 new COVID-19 infections and the count of active cases of the disease in the country stands at 40,177, according to Union Health Ministry data updated on Wednesday.