inflation of putin s war on ukraine. make no mistake, inflation is largely the fault of putin. jack jack charlie, your take on this. it started when they started, you know, signing these bills to spend trillions and trillions of dollars that america didn t need at that time to reopen. charlie: it s all such a lie, and they re going to do everything they can to just like they pinned everything on covid before, they re going to pin if everything on putin now. and it was sort of interesting, you saw yesterday both the white house and nancy pelosi both put out these completely bonkers betweens yesterday about how tweets yesterday about how inflation has nothing to do with spending, which is just sort of breathtaking. i i think most regular americans realize this, and i i think that s why they re so scared and they re so furiously trying to pin this on anybody else other than than themselves, because they know that they re going obey if ace a price for us.
will this journey ever end? i like to pose medical questions to people who have studied medicine like doctors. here. a pediatrician, admiral brett, thank you for joining us. great to be on with you. trey: what do we know about omicron? and its transmissibility. we re early, but let me tell you. omicron has a number of mutations, they are in places of high concern. it is transmissible, we re seeing it rapidly takeover delta in south africa, and at risk for taking over as dominants strain in the world, if you are unvaccinated. and you have not had covid before, it will get you sick, put you in the hospital, if you have covid
reinfected if you ve had covid before, so that is because of the mutations on the spike protein. we don t know much about transmissibility but i think looking at the mutational formation we think it may be more transmissible than even delta. in terms of clinical problems, we have no evidence that this is a more severe virus than let s say delta, alpha, or even beta. that bears repeating. although hospital admissions are rising sharply here, it won t be at all clear at least for another week or two whether the omicron variant is more severe, more dangerous. in the meantime, above all in rural south africa, another problem lurks vaccine hesitancy. this builder tells a visiting health worker that he won t get a jab even with the new wave of infections. do you find it frustrating, people saying no?
the new one, i am worried. i m worried. we don t know what the new variant s like. what the symptoms are, i how bad the symptoms are. how it could affect us now and it makes you really scared. at their laboratory here in durban the scientists who first identified the omicron variant are racing to unlock its secrets, and now the first hints are emerging of what the mutations on the virus mean. i think the epidemiological evidence is that we think you re more likely to get reinfected if you ve had covid before, so that is because of the mutations on the spike protein. we don t know much about transmissibility but i think looking at the mutational formation we think it may be more transmissible than even delta. in terms of clinical problems, we have no evidence that this is a more severe virus than let s say delta, alpha, or even beta.
our africa correspondent andrew harding has more. it s summer time here in south africa, but a shadow looms over the beaches and holiday season. a fourth wave of covid infections is spreading fast, driven by the new variant. are you worried about this new variant, omicron? the new one, i am worried. i m worried. we don t know what the new variant s like. what the symptoms are, how bad the symptoms are. how it could affect us now and it makes you really scared. at their laboratory here in durban the scientists who first identified the omicron variant are racing to unlock its secrets, and now the first hints are emerging of what the mutations on the virus mean. i think the epidemiological evidence is that we think you re more likely to get reinfected if you ve had covid before, so that is because of the mutations on the spike protein.