SHREVEPORT, La. - Big news for homebuyers in the area, Louisiana housing corporation s Keys for Service program held a seminar Saturday at the Highland Center. The program is meant to
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Monday is expected to announce a delay in lifting COVID-19 restrictions due to the rising threat posed by the Delta variant of the virus.
Lancet Covid-19 Commission India Task Force has not recommended a blanket national or state lockdown, as opposed to localized, phased restrictions or closures. Its report said the experience of the past year has shown that economic closures are most disruptive to the poorest sections of the society. In urban areas, daily wage earners, informal sector workers, and low-skill workers are the most likely to be impoverished from disruptions in economic activities. Yet, experience from other countries has shown that lockdowns do assist in bringing down transmission rates. A middle ground approach will be needed in India. We recommend that in areas of high infection rates, the focus is on breaking the chain of transmission through local actions. We recommend that advisories be issued that strongly encourage anyone that can to remain at home (white collar workers, for example, who can work from home) to do so , the report said.
British scientists have warned that the British government is risking a third wave of Covid-19 by easing the lockdown too soon, local media reported. There are areas in West Yorkshire, the Black Country and other regions that still have high infection rates. However, many people there cannot afford to self-isolate. We need to tackle that issue urgently or the virus will come back again, Leeds University medical school Associate Professor Stephen Griffin told the Observer on Sunday. It s worrying. There are far too many virus hotspots and not enough attention being paid to controlling infections that might spread from them, said Griffin, Xinhua news agency reported.