sources. if you can t quaurn tee a source is going to be protected against all political actors in washington, d.c. it s hard to do your job. jim comey tweeted today saying facts matter, the fbi s use of confidential human sources the actual term is tightly regulated and essential to protecting the country. attacks on the fbi and lying about its work will do lasting damage to our country. how will republican s explain this to their grandchildren. charlie savage, comey s role in all of this when i first started covering comey it s because hillary clinton s advisors were extraordinarily angry with the way he conducted him. since then it seems to have turned around. republicans are saying they feel comey damaged trump s credibility with his back and now it feels like the republicans are the ones doing this kind of political damage.
you know, he was back at the florida white house, if you will. his friend, chris from news max, we saw on tv. that seems to be his go-to defender these days. he made the rounds on the sunday shows. what s so important. i feel like we have been talking about comey and covering comey. he is the most consequential fbi director in a generation. republicans feel like comey is there to stay. even if the white house is displeased today and you got a sense from the tweets, i don t know if they were expectation for comey, if he was speaking to the media or comey himself, this white house expects the headline today to be white house cleared of collusion charges with russia. that is not going to be the case. adam schiff, there s a great piece in the wall street journal, he s a measured voice. he s really the democrats best and most effective weapon, if you will, in terms of probing these questions about russian ties because he has stood