been there. we came across a piece of metal that he found with a galvanized iron, or some kind of galvanized metal. and that piece of metal said to him that there was something more going on. did he have any other ideas about what may have happened? he did. he told us that his cousin pete had made some threats where the victim. in the time leading up to the incident. and there is more. paul showed detective david salm s text from peter sent from the right field we are roberto was killed. and it was dated the time before. coming up, the focus she is from the nuts and bolts of electrical explosions to an explosive personality. he was always the one who had something mean to say. he was always the one that hated him. and that was the only reason i could think. why did you hate him? he was arrogant. he flaunted stuff in my face. pete had a reputation for being a real hothead. without hardly an effort, pete
mary, paul s cousin and pete s sister, got a barrage of texts at work. it was bittersweet there was a part of me that was relieved that it was over for pete or that he wasn t, you know, mixed in with it. and at the same time, i was sad because it was my cousin that we grew up with, you know, and it was part of my family. my youngest sister, mary, called me on the phone and she said, they just arrested paul for the murder of robert ayala. and i was in the middle of the parking lot, and i fell to my knees and just started screaming. keith morrison (voiceover): but human nature is a funny thing. suspicion once embedded is remarkably resistant to actual evidence that might disprove it. when paul moore was arrested and charged with the murder of roberto ayala, his cousin peter began to experience that particular phenomenon quite personally. around town, people still seemed to believe that pete was the murderer. ironic, perhaps, that for all his bluster,
stuff in my face. if this seems like a biblical epic lots of people knew about that, especially roberto ayala s family. i thought it was pete all along. why? he was always the one that had something mean to say, that was the only person i could think of. there was a lot of town talk going on. a lot of gossip, and rumor. about a week after the house was searched, pete got a visit from a friend who had heard some things. i was working one day and the he saw with a friend of mine, and he backs up his car and says what the heck are you doing? i say, i m working. he says, no you re. he told me to get out, go to sacramento, they are coming after you, you are the number one suspect. coming up. i didn t know what to think,
by the man who speaks his mind. pete moore: everybody pretty much threw me to the wolves, and, uh keith morrison: for three days, you were essentially on trial. i mean, your cousin was on trial for murder, but it was like you were on trial for murder. i was on trial. i was, but i was on trial basically for my life. and i had no protection. keith morrison (voiceover): with pete now off the stand, the prosecution team still had a case to make, but with limited evidence. they couldn t mention the dna found on the stand, not conclusive. nor could they tell the jury about paul s previous assault and intent to commit rape convictions in san francisco, not relevant. in addition, linda parisi claimed there was no motive, no reason for paul moore to kill roberto ayala. for all of law enforcement s investigation, they could not come up with anyone who said, i heard paul moore say he wanted to hurt roberto.
not a chance, countered the state. there is nothing on this hard drive that indicates to me that anyone was using it to research how to build explosives. keith morrison (voiceover): kevin condi is the investigator who did the initial search of peter moore s computer. sometimes what s not there is more important than what is there. and what was not there was anything indicating someone was looking for directions on how to build a bomb. what i saw was somebody who s just surfing the internet aimlessly. there was nothing about that video that was tied into making a bomb. keith morrison (voiceover): and pete told the court the laptop on which the video was found belonged to his son, who was then forced to testify, which did not sit well with pete. i tried to keep my kids away from this. and once again, they tied my hands behind my back, and i had no choice. and so my son had to go on the stand. keith morrison (voiceover): a sense of betrayal deeply felt