Our great friends at Sam Adams Beer have come up with a fantastic new Super Bowl Ad. It features the iconic Budweiser Clydesdales and the Sam Adams pitchman, Your Cousin From Boston. In the ad, Your Cousin From Boston unhitches the beautiful and gigantic horses from their wagon who then run rampant all over the city causing complete chaos. It is hilarious and a brilliant idea. For some backstory, for the first time in 37 years, Budweiser is not running on during the Super Bowl. The Clydesdales have been in more than 40 Super Bowl commercials over the years, so with Bud out, Sam Adams decided to use them for themselves this year.
illustration: Danielle Grinberg
Sam Adams, the pride and joy (and flagship brand) of Boston Beer Company, is a brewery we all know and love. It’s considered one of the OG craft beer brands among many beer geeks, and has become one of the best-selling beers in the United States. In fact, it’s the favorite brew of three New England states and is even considered one of the most important American beers of all time.
But just because the Boston beer brand is likely already on your radar, that doesn’t mean there isn’t more to learn. Keep reading for 10 more things you need to know about Samuel Adams.