The Courtyard House is a nod to the tradition of the Italian Palazzo and Australian courtyard house, celebrating the constant connection between outdoor and indoor spaces.
From Archinect s active community of job seekers, firms, and schools, we have chosen four featured employers with current openings in New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Minneapolis. Take a look at these opportunities below, and visit Archinect Jobs for the complete list of available.
For an interior design and architecture ingénue and her aunt, turning an 18th century courtyard house into a B&B amid the pandemic was no easy task, but guests love what they have done.
Following last week’s visit to New York City-based SKOLNICK, we are using this week’s edition of our Meet Your Next Employer series to explore the work of California and Switzerland-based practice Montalba Architects. Founded in 2004 by David Montalba, the Santa Monica / Lausanne firm operates.