folks comfortable. of having conversations that would not raise suspicion. these guys are out there without a net. how dangerous is this? it s very dangerous as a uc. uc stands for undercover. some background but you don t know exactly who you are dealing with in some cases here? most of the time you don t. we have id d them through fingerprints or names. at least 95% of them are multiple convictions. they re all bad characters. could be carrying weapons? absolutely. courtney. nice to finally meet you. so courtney comes in with levi and if you were to see her walking down the street you wouldn t say there is a car thief. or somebody who would be dealing in stolen property. she almost has a happy-go-lucky friendly quality about her. is this your truck? no. oh.
don t do them. it s not worth it. it will lead you to nowhere. regardless if you are getting high, regardless if you re getting high to go make a quick buck, you need to know you will end up right here. courtney pleads guilty to the burglary and to grand larceny and is sentenced to two to five years with mandatory in-patient drug treatment. coming up. do you take cars or do you not? are you trying to strong arm me? a violent criminal threatens the whole operation. this is one house here and this is our target house. when vegas undercover raw continues. to build something smarter. some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster. something safer. something greener. something the whole world can share. people come to boeing to do many different things. but it s always about the very thing we do best.
day the professor talked about how to deal with law enforcement. i told them if they wanted me to turn myself in to pretty much go [ bleep ] themselves because i wasn t going to turn myself in. i said catch me if you can. you said catch me if you can? those were my exact words. courtney, you have to know that if you say that to police detectives, they re going to get you. they didn t get me right away, though. it took them three days. you sound proud of that. i m not proud of that. they were not going tell me what i was being charged with. i m not going to turn myself in without a heads-up. they had an arrest warrant for you. an arrest warrant for what? they didn t tell me why. i wasn t going to turn myself in. unless i knew why i was being arrested. have you ever been in trouble with the law before? uh-huh. for what? which state, nevada or colorado? let s start with colorado.
about scorned women. and courtney is definitely a scorned woman. and you have the ability or have these things that you talk about? i have them, yes. no but yes. i like you. now that courtney has seemingly won over the undercover cops, they get down to negotiating the sale of the pickup truck. okay. so i was thinking $25,000 this s-30. it is a year old now. how many miles on it? 15,000. 15,000? mm-hmm. i don t know. will you come back with the other stuff? oh, of course. i will how about, i was going say $500. i will throw in $520 because of the cab and i will pay for the cab back? or $480 and you can find your own cab. what are you looking for? is somebody going talk to you from up there? it s going come to me. can t we just make it $550 and
it was some guy that told me i was too young for him. we were messing around with each other and he stopped talking to me altogether. okay. and so i m sorry. i love these stories. these are great. so this is some guy s truck, an ex-boyfriend, so to speak, and you said, screw you, i m taking your truck? no. i had my homeboy do it. we pretty much just packed up his house and just loaded it up. courtney opens right up. she is very willing to give the undercover cops a lot of detail. her boyfriend, she says, dumped her saying she was too young. i guess he didn t do it very ceremoniously. very little follow-up. and that s what she used to justify stealing his truck.