Apr. 19, 2021
Before heading to the mat at the 2021 Judo Grand Slam Antalya competition earlier this month, Raz Hershko promised herself that if she won the gold – she would jump into the pool there. “I told myself that I’m going to do it, there’s no chance that I won’t go in. I told myself that I would succeed,” she says in an interview with Haaretz. “On the morning of the competition I had a different kind of feeling, I felt good.”
By the end of the day she found herself in the water. “It was cold, wow, it was really cold,” the 22-year-old Israeli judoka adds.
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Apr. 19, 2021 3:57 PM
Before heading to the mat at the 2021 Judo Grand Slam Antalya competition earlier this month, Raz Hershko promised herself that if she won the gold – she would jump into the pool there. “I told myself that I’m going to do it, there’s no chance that I won’t go in. I told myself that I would succeed,” she says in an interview with Haaretz. “On the morning of the competition I had a different kind of feeling, I felt good.”
By the end of the day she found herself in the water. “It was cold, wow, it was really cold,” the 22-year-old Israeli judoka adds.