“The Golden Bachelor” is a popular reality TV show. It opens with a handsome, impeccably groomed 72-year-old adjusting a bow tie. In the background we hear Cat Stevens singing “The Wind,” a sharp hook into the boomer soul. The bachelor finally says: “I’m Gerry. Tonight is the first day of the rest of my life. […]
We have a crisis at the border that requires a functional U.S. Congress, and we don’t have one. President Joe Biden can only do what he can, and only of late has he sounded resolute. The “Republican-controlled” House of Representatives has no one in control. It is leaderless, and the possibility that the election-denier Jim […]
As Joe Biden runs for a second term, we’ll be hearing more questions about his age-related cognitive abilities. So far, he’s doing just fine. And never mind that his likely Republican opponent, Donald Trump, gave speeches last weekend confusing the current president with Barack Obama and babbling fearfully about Biden leading us into “World War […]
The presidential horse race is off and running on TV news and on social media. History tells us that the poll numbers at this point reveal close to nothing about the future. The political pundits portray their analyses as thunderbolts carried down from Mount Olympus. But frankly, anyone could do their job. Polls might be […]
America is the land of plenty, but to many, it’s become a world of envy and anger. Nowadays, malcontents seem to feel more entitled to act out in anti-social ways. Their loss of self-control is most troubling in an airplane, where many humans are trapped in an aluminum tube. The result has been a 49% […]