By the end of the 19th century, bicycle riding and bicycle racing were wildly popular outdoor activities. According to Westminster’s Democratic Advocate newspaper, I.A. Miller owned the first bicycle in Westminster.
As Memorial Day approaches, it is worth taking a deeper look at this important holiday, both as it is observed across the country and in Carroll County.
Joe Getty, former director of the Historical Society of Carroll County, unearthed a fascinating letter in the society’s manuscript collection written in 1853 by John Fuss Buffington (1828-1896) while studying medicine in Baltimore. It was addressed to Buffington’s friend, John McKellip, then setting up his pharmacy on Frederick Street in Taneytown.
According to information found on the Circuit Court for Carroll County website for Jury Service, “The keystone of the justice system in the United States is the right to a trial by jury. … The right to a jury trial has a long history."