Shielded from the responsibility for adopting irresponsible practices that fostered the spread of this virus at their facilities. For the sake of this country that i know that we all love, i urge you to Work Together to do what is right for these workers, and again, thank you for your time. I will be pleased to answer any questions you may have. Chairman thank you very much. Ms. Dixon. Afternoon,good chairman graham, Ranking Member feinstein and members of the committee. I am rebecca dixon, executive director of the National Employment law project. Nonprofit Research Policy organization that has fought to strengthen protections and build a powerful workers in the u. S. , including the unemployed. My testimony is based on policy expertise and a direct connection to frontline workers and communities. Workers held is Public Health. Workers rights to a selfie and healthy workplace must come for profits must come before. Rofits we cannot reopen businesses if workers are not safe and do not
Without objection, the chair is authorized to declare recesses of the committee at any time. We welcome everyone to this mornings hearing, oversight of the federal Intelligence Surveillance act. Ill now recognize myself for an opening statement. The Judiciary Committee is holding todays hearing to carry out one of its most important tasks. To ensure that the tools used boby our government to keep us safe are consistent are our values and the freedoms guaranteed by the constitution. This committee has long exercised its responsibility to shape the Legal Framework unto which intelligence and Law Enforcement agencies investigate threats and collect evidence of crimes. Although we do not conduct daytoday oversight of intelligence agencies, it falls to us in hearings like this to conduct a broad review of how our government exercises its legal authorities and whether that conduct accords with our values as americans. The outset, i want to acknowledge two things. First, the men and women in
Provisions including wiretap authority, Business Records authority and the lone wolf provision which were set to expand at the end of the year. This is about two hours, 10 minutes. Committee on the judiciary will come to order. We welcome everyone to this mornings hearing on oversight of the foreign Intelligence Surveillance act. I will now recognize myself for an opening statement. The Judiciary Committee is holding todays hearing to carry out one of its most important tasks. To ensure that the tools used by our government to keep us safe are consistent with our values and with the freedoms guaranteed by the constitution. This committee has long exercised its responsibility to shape the Legal Framework under which intelligence and Law Enforcement agencies investigate threats and collect evidence of crimes. Although we conduct daytoday oversight of intelligence agencies, hearings like this to conduct a broad review of how our government exercises its legal authorities and whether that
Provisions including wiretap authority, Business Records authority and the lone wolf provision which were set to expand at the end of the year. This is about two hours, 10 minutes. Committee on the judiciary will come to order. We welcome everyone to this mornings hearing on oversight of the foreign Intelligence Surveillance act. I will now recognize myself for an opening statement. The Judiciary Committee is holding todays hearing to carry out one of its most important tasks. To ensure that the tools used by our government to keep us safe are consistent with our values and with the freedoms guaranteed by the constitution. This committee has long exercised its responsibility to shape the Legal Framework under which intelligence and Law Enforcement agencies investigate threats and collect evidence of crimes. Although we conduct daytoday oversight of intelligence agencies, hearings like this to conduct a broad review of how our government exercises its legal authorities and whether that
Reauthorize the programs. This is just over two hours. Th without objection, the chair is authorized to declare recesses of the committee at any time. We welcome everyone to this mornings hearing on oversight of the federal Intelligence Surveillance act. Intean ill now recognize myself for an opening statement. The Judiciary Committee is holding todays hearing to carry out one of its most important tasks. Ing todaou to ensure that the tools used bs our government to keep us safe n are consistent with our values g and the freedoms guaranteed by the constitution. This committee has long exercised its responsibility too shape the Legal Framework unto which intelligence and law ape enforcement agencies investigate threats and collect evidence of crimes. Mes. Although we do not conduct daytoday oversight of intelligence agencies, it falls to us in hearings like this to n conduct a broad review of how w our government exercises its legal authorities and whether that conduct accords with our