Met thursday to consider legislation that would require people seeking asylum apply facilities outside the u. S. Before the Committee Voted along party lines to send the bill to the full Senate Several democratic members expressed opposition to the measure. This is one hour and 15 minutes. Good morning. Since becoming chairman in january ive been trying to find a solution to the problem that we all acknowledge which is a border out of control. Laws been abused in humanitarian crisis, National Security crisis in the making and in march the Committee Held a hearing to learn the scope of the problem. Rio grande area alone the number of families have doubled in the problem is getting to be unmanageable and were all concerned about the humanitarian conditions that has a 4 billiondollar appropriations to provide better housing but weve done nothing to stop the flow until today. In may i introduced a bill after finding the scope of the hearing that was based on the best advice i could get fro
On your screen is the chair of the Senate Judiciary committee, senator Lindsey Graham about to gavel in a meeting where they are looking at marking up a law dealing with american asylum rules. It is just getting underway. We expect they might take a break at 11 00 eastern for votes on the senate floor. Sen. Graham the number of families have doubled. The problem is getting to be unmanageable. We are concerned about the humanitarian conditions. A 4 billion appropriation to provide better housing but we have done nothing to stop the flow until today. In may, i introduced a bill that was based on the best advice i could get from those in charge and Kevin Mcelhinney who testified and said the bill would stop 70 to 90 of the flow. Our colleagues on the other sides said what about Central America . You are right, we need to invest in Central America but there is not enough money to invest in less change the magnets. You come to america, you asked for asylum and 80 of the claims are denied. T
Good morning. Ince becoming chairman january, ive been trying to find a solution to the problem that we all acknowledge which is a border out of control, laws being abused, humanitarian crisis, a National Security crisis in the making, and in march, the Committee Held a hearing to learn the scope of the problem. , the numbere of families have doubled, the problem is beginning to be unmanageable, we are all concerned about the humanitarian conditions which is why we supported a 4 billion appropriation to provide better housing, but we have done nothing to stop the flow until today. A bill i introduced after the scope of the hearing that was based on the best advice i could get from those in charge, and the dhs director who testified in june said the bill we had before this committee would stop 70 to 90 of the flow. My colleagues on the other site said what about Central America. You are right, we need to invest in Central America, but there is not enough money to invest until we change
A senator mr. President . The presiding officer the senator from florida. Mr. Scott are we in a quorum call . The presiding officer we are not. Mr. Scott i ask unanimous consent that the senate proceed in the consideration of the following as if in executive session. I ask unanimous consent that the senate proceed to the consideration of the following nomination, executive calendar 125. The presiding officer is there objection . Without objection. The clerk will report the nomination. The clerk nomination, department of Homeland Security, joseph v. Cuffari of arizona to be inspector general. Mr. Scott i ask consent the senate vote on the nomination with no intervening action or debate, that if confirmed, the motion to reconsider be considered made and laid upon the table, the president be immediately notified of the senates action, that no further motions be in order, and that any statements related to the nomination be printed in the record. The presiding officer without objection. Th
Precountry new narkal limitation for employmentbased immigrants to increase the per country numerical limitation for familysponsored immigrants, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentlewoman from california,s. Colorado, mr. Buck, will each control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from california. Mrs. Love gren i ask unanimous consent that address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Lofgren i yield myself such time as i may consume. Mr. Speaker, i rise today in support of h. R. 1044, the fairness for high schooled immigrants act, a bipartisan bill that would make a modest but important change to our immigration laws to alleviate hardships associated with lengthy visa backlogs. Let me begin by explaining what this bill does do and does not do. H. R. 1044 does not increase the overall number of immigrant visas that are available each year. Although raising the ceiling on visas is the only viable