Which is also resultd in the displace am of 5 million refugees. Pentagon official ktmcfarland is joining us. And attorney general Leslie Rutlidge of arkansas. And the 5 cohost. Kimberly, and Mike Huckabee. There are now 36 days remaining until election day, we can all hardly wait, donald trump campaigning hard in key Battle Ground states, republican Nominee Holding events in virginia and colorado, where he lashed out at New York Times for illegally publishing a portion of his 1995 tax returns. The times article was remarkable in that is was likely despite being a big beneficiary of the laws, but i am working for you now, not are in trump. I have legally used tax laws to my benefit. And to the benefit of my company. My visitors, and my employers, i mean, honestly, i have brilliantly used these laws. Lou a bombshell report finding every of widespread voter fraud, hard to imagine, in critical swing state of virginia, a watch dog group saying over a thousand Illegal Immigrants registered t
Police in uniform and plain clothes were watching. Near the metro station today a mother was in mourning for her 15yearold son John Rufus Evans iii, police say stabbed to death yesterday by 18yearold javonte hall. I did know the boys name coming up in a conversation with him and his friends trying to attack my daughter a few weeks ago. Throwing juice cartons at her. Saying they were going to jump my son. Sam at a News Conference today the police said the public helped i. D. And close the case in ten hours and mayor bowser emphasized camera and media. There are cameras all over the system. Any incident like this will be caught on tape. The perpetrators of those incidents will be brought to justice. Sam Police Believe social media played a role. They fight, somebody records. They post, they want to get a lot of hits. A lot social media and they go back and forth. Even with this situation, you know, the young people are talking about retaliating on social media. John evans was a student a
Okay. So i think what this case illustrates in the broader trends that we were talking about are some threats to press freedom, but i think its important to put that into a global context. And there are many countries, including russia, that have far worse press freedom records and where journalists are imprisoned, journalists are killed and their murders are never investigated. Indeed, in most cases of george journalist murders, nine out of ten are never investigated. Several outstanding in russia as well. We have to keep this in perspective. I mean, there are threats certainly to the free practice of journalism. Luckily we live in a country that has rule of law and due process. In many countries those things are missing. Lets keep this in perspective and not let this become an excuse for say authoritarian governments to use in their crackdown on press freedom. Just in the same light, nor should we let the fact that authoritarian regimes exist give us an excuse to brow beat journalist
I have to think about that for a minute. I just came here, really, today, to thank everybody involved with this. I was not involved with this petition drive at all. And anybody who knows me knows i couldnt organize a onecar funeral. The fact that this has happened just leaves me speechless. And the main thing that gets to me is i realize i dont deserve all this. But i also know its really not about me. Its about some basic issues that affect all journalists and all americans. You know, when the my lawyers always tell me never to talk about my case. But theres a couple of things i can say. And one is that the Justice Department and the Obama Administration are the ones who turn this really into a fundamental fight over press freedom in their appeal to the Fourth Circuit. They said this that this c e case, the central issue of this case was not some details or specifics or anything. That the fundamental thing this case was about was that there was no such thing as a reporters privilege.
Starling is. If were just talking about the nsa, there are so many of them. And they are so technical, that i would be really surprised if the highlevel people know the details of more than a small number of the most major programs. I think you would be wrong about that. Yeah . I think so. Many could not perhaps describe the engineering details, but i would be surprised if there are more than a handful of programs that are not youre right, but there are i mean, impossible to count how many programs there are in the nsa. We can talk thousands, and probably more than thousands. And i just imagine its beyond the capacity of any individual to have significant knowledge about more than a handful of these thousands of programs. But i agree with bob dietz, and i agree with you. But the answer is, work the low level, the mid level, and the top, if you can. And youre going to get a total universe portrait. Anybody else we have a couple of minutes here before theres a coffee and martini break. M