and children, this smacks of privilege for sure. it smacks of power. smacks of influence. smacks of celebrity. and so that part i think in the whole just really vexes so many. let me tell you why i am okay with this, though. after she committed this offense, so many defendants in a court of law go in and they deflect and they spin and they back flip. it wasn t me. it was him. it was them. it was the other. you know, we live in a system where the court really values remorse. it values contrition. it values the acceptance of responsibility. and i think if ever there was a measure of a person to look to when you get caught red handed, right, your hand is in the cookie jar and we got you, i think she comported herself in a way that the system valued. and why do i believe the judge noted that? her guideline sentence range, the federal system has this guideline range where they look and they determine what you re eligible for. that was from zero to six months. a court that is a judge listens