A Google Maps view of safety zone location Latitude 23°12’ 12.35N
Longitude 079°08’ 14.1 W.
NASSAU, BAHAMAS The government has tabled new regulations to the Petroleum Act, 2016, that establishes the area around the Bahamas Petroleum Company’s (BPC) exploratory oil well near Andros a safety zone and a prohibited area.
The Petroleum (Operation of Facilities) (Safety Zone)(Regulations), 2020, which was made on December 24, 2020, establishes a safety zone 500 meters (m) around the facility and prohibits certain activity in that zone.
BPC: “Perseverance #1 a potentially transformational exploration well.” The well is 90 miles from Andros, and approximately 270 miles from Nassau.
The schedule of the regulation identifies the location as “Cooper”, with a Latitude of 23°12′ 12.35N and a Longitude of 079° 08′ 14.1W