BACK now to Middlewich and to detail what was once there but is long gone. In the 1600s, most towns had a tiny lock-up to house their miscreants, but it was another matter for full prisons. Chester had the central jail in the castle, and then in 1808, a large prison was built as part of Chester Northgate. This then became the most important prison, although there was a house of correction already extant at Middlewich. Hangings in Cheshire up until 1801 took place at Gallows Hill in Boughton; this hill is still there but is now called Barrel Well Hill. The last felons to be hanged were Thompson, Morgan and Clare, who were ‘Turned Off’ for forgery. After that date, felons were sent to Northgate Gaol to be hanged. At first publicly, at the time using gallows on the prison roof in full view of the crowds, later within the prison.