Thousand. Okay. It used to be 250 years ago and they moved it up to a thousand. So, its a little bit harder for us to get if i got him down to 97 0 in damage, i almost got him. [laughter] but this is the way we started, though. Ultra was my very first big case instead of doing these little tagers every so often. You guys investigating graffiti crimes, you see a tager come across. Once in a while, what the hell is this, ultra again . Ultra again . This is how we started. Tagger look at Different Things on facebook. I dont know if you guys can see all the paint cans. Its got a couple assault rifles in there. Graffiti is just graffiti those guys arent that bad. Were seeing a lot of in the state of in the city of phoenix, not the state of arizona, but the city of phoenix, we dont recognize tagging crews yet as gangses. They dont filth our criteria for dealing that. But if you look at it, they do. I can prove to you that its the same stuff as when when you document a gang memorandum ben ber
Okay. Ill probably take it out for you when i send it to you, but anything we can do to combat this graffiti, by all means, im here. I have a passion for it now. Its a lot of fun now investigating this stuff. Youtube, same thing. Myspace you can do. Anything you want with social media, its easy to set up, to write up a subpoena, send it to them, get it signed off on. Youre smiling at me. What, its not easy for you . [speaker not understood]. I forgot he had some kids. Isnt that bad up there . [inaudible]. Yeah. You have to go through the jurisdiction. [speaker not understood]. Ive done a few investigations that come always down here in experience, very physical for us to operate down here. [speaker not understood] we have a lot of people under cover doing sex crime stuff, like [speaker not understood]. And those things all come through facebook and all those kind of thing. But then when you want to go after them, its so difficult because its dealing with the u. S. [inaudible]. [inaudib
Any time we get grab eat aloe on the school we would take pictures up and put up a reward poster. We got a Phoenix Community alliance that has business members tire of graffiti that put money into this program. And we use it to reward people for calling others in on graffiti, up to 250. The point system, we go to a board once a month and talk about the Different Cases that we get and we reward these people up to 250. Huge, Great Program in phoenix right now. Lots and we dont just do it for conviction. You know what silent witness says . You can receive up to a thousand dollars upon conviction, not with the graffiti reward program. The graffiti Hotline Program, its just minimum id of the tager because once we id them, well go and get them. Sooner or later. The big thing that we do use, though, is graffiti tracker. I was talking to some individuals earlier today about our graffiti tracker program. On the table over there when you leave up out of here, make sure you grab a graffiti tracke
Board once a month and talk about the Different Cases that we get and we reward these people up to 250. Huge, Great Program in phoenix right now. Lots and we dont just do it for conviction. You know what silent witness says . You can receive up to a thousand dollars upon conviction, not with the graffiti reward program. The graffiti Hotline Program, its just minimum id of the tager because once we id them, well go and get them. Sooner or later. The big thing that we do use, though, is graffiti tracker. I was talking to some individuals earlier today about our graffiti tracker program. On the table over there when you leave up out of here, make sure you grab a graffiti tracker card. I cant tell you how great this thing was. Graffiti tracker provides clients with gps enabled i goctiontionv tal cameras. Every time someone goes out anybody have people that clean up their graffiti Neighborhood Services department . Phoenix has Neighborhood Services department. They go out, see the graffiti,
Im just telling you what we use because they wanted to get rid of it from the city of phoenix this month or this year. And i said, dont do it because this is helping me a ton. They will provide you a person to come to court as an Expert Witness if you need it. But after you go to waldos presentation next, youll become an expert, too. But you can use them if you needed to. They do everything for you. I told you about the maps. I know this is small. If you guys want any of this information as well, email me and ill get it to you. The big thing is not that much the report. We use the reports. The county attorney loves reports when we put it all together at the end. They even call it a d. A. Report. Okay. Its like this. It tells you every single picture, every single time, you know. Theres some that even show you where they possibly might strike again, okay. The one, other good feature they have on here, is if you do arrest somebody, say you arrest sewer and you find out his name is Ricard