Judge Cynthia Stevens issued her verbal intent and a hearing conducted via zoom, just two days after election day. She said a formal written decision was forthcoming. This case donald j. Trump former president inc. Versus Jocelyn Benson in her official capacity as secretary of state. An initiale to make apology, Emergency Matters usually emerge in the middle of other matters, that is their nature. Matteray at 4 00, this went to court of claims. At the time it was filed. There is a complaint for declaratory relief. While it was a verified complaint. It did not have an affidavit affixed. It did not have a request for a temporary restraining order without notice attached. We did not have a request for injunctive relief attached. Later in the evening the Democratic National committee after hours filed a petition to intervene. This morning sometime around the supplemental papers were filed on behalf of the plaintiff. The first of which was something that addressed supplemental evidence. T w
Assistant attorney general and the office of Legal Counsel under the bush administration, was a member of the domestic policy staff under president reagan, served in the Central Intelligence agency, and was a law clerk for the u. S. Court of appeals for the d. C. Circuit judge in addition to his he did get public service, he also has ensive Service Plaque to practicing law in the private sector. He received his ma from Kobe University and a jd from George Washington school of law. We welcome the attorney general and we thank him for participating today. If you would please rise, i will begin by swearing you in. If you could raise your right hand, or lefthand. Do you swear or affirm the testimony you are about to give is true and correct to the best of your knowledge, information, and belief, so help you god. Let the record show the witness has answered in the affirmative. Thank you and please be seated. Please note the written statement will be entered into the record in its entirety.
The House Committee on the judiciary will come to order. The chair is authorized to declare recess at any time and we welcome, we welcome everyone to this mornings hearing on oversight for the department of justice. I apologize for getting the hearing late, as many of you know i was in a minor car accident on the way in this morning. Everyone is fine, except perhaps the car. But it did cause significant delay. I think the attorney general and the members for their patience and flexibility and we will now begin. Before we begin, i want to acknowledge and note that we are joined this morning by the distinguished majority leader, the gentleman from maia maryland, leader hoyer, who has long recognized the need for vigorous congressional oversight of the executive branch under both parties and we appreciate his presence today as we question the attorney general. Before we begin, i would like to remind members that we have an established email distribution list dedicated to circulating exhib
Cspan, created by americas Cable Television companies as a Public Service and brought to you today by your television provider. Barrtorney general william was on capitol hill for an oversight hearing on the Justice Department. This was his first appearance before the House Judiciary Committee since joining the Trump Administration. The attorney general was asked about his role in criminal cases involving roger stone and others as well as the federal response to nationwide protests and the legitimacy of mailin ballots despite claims of voter fraud by the president. The House Committee on the judiciary will come to order the House Committee on the judiciary will come to order. The chair is authorized to declare recess at any time and we welcome, we welcome everyone to this mornings hearing on oversight for the department of justice. I apologize for getting the hearing late, as many of you know i was in a minor car accident on the way in this morning. Everyone is fine, except perhaps the
Department. This was his first appearance with the House Judiciary Committee since joining the Trump Administration in 2019. The attorney general was asked about his role in criminal cases involving roger stone and others, as well as the response to nationwide protests, and the legitimacy of mailin ballots despite claims of voter fraud by the president. The House Committee on the judiciary will come to order. The chair is authorized to declare recess at any time. We welcome everyone to this mornings hearing on oversight for the department of justice. I apologize for beginning the hearing late. As many of you know, i was in a minor car accident on the way in this morning. Everyone is fine, except perhaps the car. But it did cause significant delay. I thank the attorney general and the members for their patience and flexibility, and we will now begin. Before we begin, i want to note that we are joined this morning by the distinguished majority leader, the gentleman from maryland, leader