He was joined by the nasa administrator who gave an update on nasas work in the upcoming Spacex Dragon mission. This is half an hour. To all who are gathered here today, welcome to the launch america edition of the National Space council. We are one week and one day away from when america will return american astronauts on american rockets to space. Its an extraordinarily exciting time in the life of this program. I know speak on behalf of the the United States when i express my appreciation. To you and the nasa team, my profound and humble admiration for the astronauts that we will be speaking to in a few moments. Who will be carrying American Leadership back into space from american soil next week. And i know i speak for the president when i say how grateful we are for the work of so many critical agencies. It has put into practice President Trumps vision for renewed American Leadership in space. I have the great privilege to see general hayden with us, the vice chair of the joint ch
He was joined by nasa administrator who gave an update on nasas work in the upcoming Spacex Dragon mission. Scheduled for may 27. This is. 5 hours. Allow me to welcome members of the president s cabinet and numbers of the National Space council to the seventh meeting of the National Space council, it is of particular pleasure to be back here at the Washington Headquarters and to be joined by the nasa been a straighter who is in houston as we speak doing important preparations. In Brighton Stan is with us. Bridenstine isim with us. We are one day away from when america will return american astronauts on american rockets from american soil to space. Nearly site extraordinarily exciting time in the life of this program. I know i speak on behalf of the president of the United States and express my appreciation. , the entire nasa team, my humble admiration for the astronauts we will be speaking to in just a few moments. They will be carrying American Leadership back into space. I know i spe
Members may consider another Coronavirus Relief package. The senates meeting every few days and pro forma sessions during their weeklong memorial day holiday recess. Senators return for work on monday, june 1. They will resume both on judicial nominations and the Inspector General for pandemic recovery. Watch live Health Coverage on cspan, and the senate on cspan 2. Vice president mike pence spoke of the annual National Space Council Meeting at nasa headquarters in washington, d. C. He was joined by nasa administrator who gave an update on nasas work in the upcoming Spacex Dragon mission. This is half an hour. And to be joined by the nasa administrator who was in houston as we speak doing important preparations. Jim is with us. Welcome to the launch america addition of the National Space council. We are one week and one day away from when america will return american astronauts on american space. To its an extraordinarily exciting time in the life of this program. I know speak on behal
We continue to send our prayers to the people of new york and new jersey and to our whole country. New york and new jersey are very hot zones and we are with them and we are with everybody. Your struggle is our struggle and we will beat this virus. We will beat it together. I want to send best wishes to a very good friend of mine and affront to our nation, Prime Minister and a friend to our nation, Prime Minister Boris Johnson. He was taken into intensive care this afternoon. Hisicans are praying for recovery. He has been a really good friend, something very special. Strong, resolute, does not quit, does not give up. We have made tremendous progress on therapeutics. I had a fantastic call today. I have asked two of the leading companies, these are brilliant aids, others,la, they have come with the solutions and have done incredible jobs and i have asked them to Contact London immediately. They have offices in london. I had a talk with four of them today. They speak a language most peop
Rule for that the hazardous chemicals bill and break for a briefing on the iran missile strike from Top Administration officials. Live coverage of the house here on cspan. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. Chaplain conroy let us pray. Lord our god, we give you thanks for giving us another day. At the beginning of this new session, surround us with your holy spirit. Lord, these are anxious days for your children on earth. The risks of misunderstanding and failed messaging are great. Help all of us to seek your presence in our midst that peace and goodwill may prevail. We know, o lord, this is a lot to ask. Have mercy on us. May the comings and goings of your people be under the seal of your loving care and may all our work be done for your greater honor and glory, amen. The speaker pro tempore the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. Purr s