treated and short-changed by abraham lincoln, hence, this long drown out war. oh, the man of the hour! [ laughs ] are you ready to give that negro-loving lincoln a good drubbing, huh? gentleman, i m confident honest abe will soon know what it s like to be relieved of his command. huzzah to you, sir! the democratic platform promises to end the war and make peace with the confederacy, and the campaign plays on the fear of an america where slaves are not only free, but equal under the law. it was the most racist campaign, perhaps, in all of american history. it was waged on the fear of black equality. lincoln was depicted by these cartoons that showed lincoln bowing to african-americans, of mixed-race couples cuddling on park benches, of, heaven forbid, white carriage drivers driving black passengers. upending society that s what lincoln would bring.
by abraham lincoln, hence, this long drown out war. oh, the man of the hour! [ laughs ] are you ready to give that negro-loving lincoln a good drubbing, huh? gentleman, i m confident honest abe will soon know what it s like to be relieved of his command. huzzah to you, sir! the democratic platform promises to end the war and make peace with the confederacy, and the campaign plays on the fear of an america where slaves are not only free, but equal under the law. it was the most racist campaign, perhaps, in all of american history. it was waged on the fear of black equality. lincoln was depicted by these cartoons that showed lincoln bowing to african-americans, of mixed-race couples cuddling on park benches, of, heaven forbid, white carriage drivers driving black passengers. upending society that s what lincoln would bring.