president i m told wants to try and make a decision before friday. before he leaves and really for almost a week and a half. the attorney general jeff sessions came over to the white house last night about an hour before this mcmaster statement to update him on the interviews and things. the president i m told is going to meet with a couple finalists. we re not sure how many. and make his decision. mike rodgers is the choice of the fbi rank and file. we ll see if he s the choice of the president. we don t know that. with mike rodgers, he was saying, and i m sure this is the way that all of these folks are saying this, can they be independent? can they do their job without interference? we re standing by. turkish president erdogan is at the white house. the two leaders are about to speak publicly. inside politics will be right back. we re keeping an eye on that. with type 2 diabetes a lower a1c is a lot about choices.
you said, is one of those positions that may be announced as well as a couple other staff positions. i do not expect any cabinet appointments but that s always possible. donald trump certainly has shown he s unpredictable. he is working today at mar-a-lago but then he s going to really spend a few days with his family over the christmas weekend here. but there are two positions in the cabinet that donald trump has not yet filled t veterans affairs secretary as you said, of course, that s a central theme of his campaign and he is leaning toward a couple finalists, and also the ag secretary. department of agriculture secretary. those are the two main cabinet positions. but those staff positions in the west wing also so important. tapping kellyanne conway as the counselor to the president is going to pave the way, i m told, for more staff announcements including communications director, press secretary, but having kellyanne conway at the helm there is a sign that she is going to have a bi