alexander lange. you re going see a lot more entertainment businesses, movie theaters, vr theater, trampoline parks, maybe pickleball, climbing walls, other active uses. reporter: it s happening already. in new jersey, a burlington coat factory is now a pickleball court. and in idaho, the old sear s department store is now a charter school. the auto shop turned into a basketball court. all of it seamlessly embedded inside the grand teton mall. i think really the way to think about the mall of the future is what things make people leave their houses? reporter: brown says she s fielding calls from other shelters around the country. they want to try the mall too. it s a win for the mall. it s a win for us and especially for the animals. reporter: an adorable solution that anyone could get behind. brian cheung, nbc news annapolis. when we come back, there is good news tonight about why a tonight about why a coup lavoioiding triggggers but can n t keep migigraines awa?
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