there is leeway for municipalities to make some of their own rules. that s why we re here in portola valley. this is san matteo county, so now, with the indoor mask mandate coming off for people who are vaccinated in california, as of last wednesday, you can go into that supermarket behind me without a mask, no problem. but if you re essentially across the street, that s santa clara county. they still have a mask mandate because they want to wait for the case rates to come down some more. this also extends to individual businesses, so for example, a hair salon owner over in fremont in alameda county, no countywide mask mandate there anymore but she notes that some of her staff are still with clients for two and a half hours at a stretch, so she s keeping a mask requirement for now. i feel like i m still lots going on with the virus and i feel like more safe, again, for my coworkers and my guests to
Pasco County Schools will continue to require masks for all staff, students and visitors on school campuses, despite the county rescinding the countywide mask mandate.