degree. at many times don t require a high school diploma. there is a reason why it s lower. i believe the federal government should get out of the age, the wage issue. i think it should be more localized and up to communities, municipalities and countys to set a better number so they can set a wage that individual economic and fiscal needs and businesses and workers in their communities. guys, i think it s great you are running. i, myself, wasn t when i was in my 20s. it didn t work out for me but it was one of the best experiences of my life. so i salute you both. thank you for being here. thank you so much for having us on today. yes, thank you. jack ferguson, tyler ruzic on a kick for all of us at some point in the future. don t you think? up next, when nuclear warfares were at their peek, they built a bunker in west virginia large enough for both
difference. immigration policy is screwed up, it is up endd and republicans and democrats have to figure out way to have comprehensive immigration so you don t have willie nilly policies in states, countys and cities. harris: i m understanding this is happen nothing rural counties in the state? this underscores a point i ve been making, gun control is not right versus left, it is rural verse urban. breaking down of course your thoughts, which is true, more rural individuals have guns than those that live in urban areas, but the fact you have the bulk of the rural individual have owned a gun before the age of 18 and that break down is so different than individuals living in urban areas, as well. i think it underscores this deep divide on the gun divide based on what area you live in. harris: when you look at the vice chairman of the board and this is a rural area effingham
rejecti rejecting moore s complaint. stay with us as we wait for the election desertification to happen live. in fact, let s listen in if it s happening. prove agenda say aye. aye. with unanimous consent the agenda is approved. the next is election results, although speak mostly in terms of certification being with regard to the u.s. senate, special general election that was held, there were also proposed constitutional amendments that were on the ballot in two different countys, so not only the senate race, but one local amendment for the county and two local for lamar county. the reason the document in front of you is so large, under state law we did have to identify who