the city of bakersfield is on the other side of the spectrum politically. newsom out, elder in. reporter: it is where you would find the last woolworths counter, sharing up burgers, shake and nostalgia. california was once a nice place. governor newsom says a lot of things but he does all bad things. reporter: and when it comes to governor newsom, some. referee: of the diners have had their fill. if there is not a change, we re leaving the state. reporter: and many republicans think their voices are not heard. no, i don t think so. no, not really. reporter: to some degree, they are right. thank you california! reporter: in 2018, just 41% of the county voters went for newsom, and he won by a landslide and now republicans are hoping to flip the governor s office, an uphill
By News Director Jared Atha
Beckham County Voters returned to the polls Tuesday for the Erick and Hammon School District Board of Education General Election and also Cities of Elk City, Erick and Sayre Council member General Election.
Starting in the City of Elk City, Rocky Andresen will assume the Commissioner Ward 3 seat after garnering 76% approval. In Erick, David Brinkley obtained 75% of the vote to win the Ward 2 Council Member seat over challenger Mark T. Byrne, and in Sayre, Cheryl McLean grabbed 70% of the vote to win the Ward 2 Council Member Seat over challenger Sonya Blagg.
School board seats were also up for grabs in the area. In Hammon, a tight race for the Office Number 1 seat was won by Clay Ivey by getting 54% of the vote over Aubrey Christian. Two school board seats were up for grabs on the Erick School Board. Office Number 1 was won by Justin Miller with 68% approval over Colby Holland, and Office Number 3 will be filled by Robert Lee Williams after he gained 54