April 5, 2015
Dana Loesch is going to help elderly florist, Barronelle Stutzman (Arlene’s Flowers), who is being persecuted by the state legal system and a couple of LGBTs who want to force her to participate in gay marriage by creating the flower arrangements or oversee her complete destruction. The Christian-hating ACLU is now involved.
The men who are suing her are Curt Freed and Robert Ingersoll, photo below. Ingersoll was Barronelle’s customer for nine years.
The moonbats aren’t content with a fine for her alleged discrimination. They want to destroy her. They plan to take her business and her home.
Government Will Ruin Florist for Not Providing Flowers for a Gay Wedding
Update: 04/02/15: There is a gofundme page for Barronelle.
Barronelle Stutzman, a 70-year old grandmother, faces the loss of her florist business and her home over two lawsuits filed against her because she refused to sell flowers for a gay wedding on the basis of her religion.
Some Christians believe they can’t condone gay marriage but judges are saying it’s discrimination to act on those beliefs if you have a business.
Benton County Superior Court Judge Alex Ekstrom on Wednesday found against the Richland, Washington florist, saying that the First Amendment protects religious beliefs but not necessarily actions based on those beliefs. He also said the state has the authority to prohibit discrimination.