Henderson County (Oct 10, 2022) - The Hendersonville City Council last week proclaimed John Connet to be a "City Manager of Distinction" a month after the International City and County Management Association honored him for 30 years of service in municipal government.
Henderson County (Oct 6, 2022) - The Hendersonville City Council last week proclaimed John Connet to be a "City Manager of Distinction" a month after the International City and County Management Association honored him for 30 years of service in municipal government.
an same time line, that the shelters this storm we only have 5,000 that chose to go the shelters so. you re saying this decision was out of your hands completely. yes. the board is not voting on this. this is something that the county management and the data from the state emergency management down to the local emergency management. and the emergency plan doesn t say anything about the cone, though. chad myers was just on hair talking about the cone only represents two-thirds of the impact. there is always right outside of the cone that will get a major impact, especially the right side of any storm. i m just wondering, you said there is a review after any major disaster as there should be to figure out lessons learned and hurricane isn t even over. do you want to see anything done different for the next storm? based upon the data i have in front of me now no, because we gave warnings to the residents