Silverthorne local Karina Possenti had three encounters with unleashed dogs in two days. While she isn’t allergic to them, and doesn’t have an extreme phobia of dogs, she said she simply doesn’t like dogs and.
One month into Summit County’s nine-month-long short term rental moratorium in neighborhood zones, it was decided that public input would be the priority when creating new regulations. The Summit County Planning Department and the Board.
When Summit County voters passed Ballot Measure 1A in 2018, it effectively dedicated public funds to five different buckets: early childhood care, behavioral health programs, fire mitigation, recycling and public infrastructure. As of January, the.
It’s been nearly a month since Gov. Jared Polis signed House Bill 22-1295 into law, which simultaneously created a universal preschool program and implemented the new Office of Early Childhood. According to the bill’s summary,.
Earlier this week, a semitractor-trailer carrying oil lost control and overturned after driving down the westbound Interstate 70 off-ramp at Exit 205, causing an emulsified oil spill and traffic delays on Tuesday, May 10. Coincidentally,.