and name, the county commission meetings are supposed to be run by the commissioners for the people of clark county in nevada and those people have a right to ask questions and be interested in what is on the agenda at these meetings and what was on the agenda at this meeting was a proclamation basically to do away with nevada s first amendment rights and i was there to witness and oppose this proclamation and that didn t get to happen because i was attacked after trying to defend the people in this county. the woman this stop me from being able to defend them and they will never prevent me from coming up to defend the people of nevada. this is an image of what happened to your head when they slammed you into that metal detector, looks like you got a bump on the head. if you perhaps had a different
citizens showed up to protest the vote, security treated them like this. [bleep]. [shouting]. [bleep]. [beeping]. [shouting]. . first amendment rights! [bleep]. what are you doing? are laura: the man shoved to the ground is my next guest mack miller. what was happening in that footage? did you do anything to provoke that response? i asked for a badge number and the name. thanks for having me. the county commission meetings
running for lieutenant governor of the great state of nevada, went to the people in charge of clark county in nevada. and he wanted to speak on behalf, you know, his point of view, they were talking about covid and all sorts of things. there he is being dragged out of the meeting, they rammed him into, i m sure, it was accidental but nonetheless they threw him through metal detector. here is he talking about what happened and what he thinks why it happened, he is mac miller. the county commission meetings are supposed to be run by the commissioners for the people of clark county here in nevada. and those people have a right to ask questions. and be interested in what s on the agenda at these meetings. and what was on the agenda at this meeting was a proclamation to basically do away with nevada s clark county s first amendment rights. and i was there to witness and oppose this proclamation.
if you want to, you know, have your voice heard or even be violent. there are school board meetings where we see people harassing local officials, for example. yeah. i mean, one of the things that i think is notable in the way that trump and the republican party have changed our national rhetoric in the last two years is that there used to be actually a pretty clear divide between local politics and national politics. that, you know, something like a school board meeting, something like a county commission meeting or city council meeting, there might have been people who had party affiliations, but you know, mayors and city counselors they ll tell you there s not a republican way or a democratic way to pick up the trash. but that is actually exactly the types of divide that we are now seeing at school board meetings, at county commission meetings where you are seeing national
say the republicans won ts thing, then, they went in a game ahead of the democrats. i m with brian. i thought it was fascinating after watching that. and it was long. keep in mind, i went to a lot of county commission meetings when i was cub reporter. i m used to long meetings. there were a lot of smart people gathered around that table. there were also some that weren t too smart. the president of the united states was presiding and we ll talk a little bit we ll break down who got to talk the most and the numbers will surprise you in a little bit. but i thought what was kind of off putting for me was the president of the united states who was presiding was lecturing and at times, remember, he was running the show and he put john mccain in his place! watch this. let me just make this point, john, because we re not campaigning anymore. the election is over. i m reminded of that every day. john mccain is going to be on the show a little bit later and what he was saying is john