Argh A friend just inquired, “Have you put Christmas away yet? What’s your New Year’s Resolution?” Jiminy Crickets! Procrastination isn’t the problem – honestly! But since the subject has come up, here’s what some thinkers have to say about Resolutions. One author suggested, “Decide on your highest priority for the coming year and turn it […]
Being born in the Second World War – a global conflict that lasted from 1939 to 1945, we are called the “Silent Generation.” (Those who know me would question that title, “silent!!”)
Between the eucalyptus trees on Hiller Road – the occasional thud of falling tree limbs punctuating the background – Life Plan Humboldt accepted the check from Wood, though they still need $3.8 million to go before reaching the amount when they can receive bond funds. The organizers plan on using the money to create a facility with 204 homes – 60 of them affordable – with wraparound services and activities such as brain health programming, social groups and medical care.