Complete your application form, maps and annexes
This section tells you how to fill in your Countryside Stewardship Woodland Creation and Maintenance Grant application form, maps and annex. Step 1 – Your application form
Complete your application form on paper or electronically, as described above. Step 2 – Your map(s)
Prepare a map for your application
You need to provide a map which shows all areas of proposed woodland creation and associated capital items within your application. If your application is successful and we offer you an agreement, the map you sent with the application will become the ‘Agreement Map’ so it needs to be clear, legible and meet the standards set out in the Minimum mapping standards section.
It’s important that you do the following in the order we’ve listed them:
1. Register or sign in to the Rural Payments service
To receive Countryside Stewardship (CS) payments you must be registered in the Rural Payments service. To find out how to do this, read ‘Rural Payments service: registering and updating your details’ on GOV.UK.
2. Check and change
Check that your personal details, business details, and digital maps are up to date, and update them if needed.
You must register all of the land on your application in the Rural Payments service.
If you do not have access to the internet, you can call us on 03000 200 301.