kill the bill! kill the bill! we need health care for everyone in america. we need it now. and we can t wait! this is going to be bigger than anything we tried to do. it was one of our first experiences with misinformation. i don t want this country turning into russia, turning into a socialized country. the notion that there were death panels or that they was going to kill granny. you do believe that? i believe this bill is deadly to seniors. that was a wake-up call for us. not something we anticipated we were going to have to push back against just outright lies and untruths. what he always told us is that, you keep the people who i have met along the way who have been writing us, who have been desperate for this, close to you. you know, you keep that at the core of the writing. that s what this is about. we are dairy farmers. and we have never had very much
judge you. i don t want this country turning into russia, turning into a socialized country. and i don t want the government to do it for me. i am not a right-wing wacko. i pay for my health care cash. i want to know if it s coming out of my paycheck, yes or no. i don t believe this is just about health care. this is about the systemic dismantling of this country. you are a fraud! and you re sentencing this person to death under the obama plan! reporter: all of it, aided and abetted by republican politicians. we should not have a government program that determines if you re going to pull the plug on grandpa. reporter: it was the momentum from that frenzy that carried scott brown to victory in massachusetts, giving republicans a chance to, quote, bury obama care with kennedy. a dramatic upset that robbed the democrats of their filibuster-proof majority in the senate. i hereby say, health care is dead. reporter: but democrats improbably persevered, and pushed thro
it s worth asking, why does the republican party have an almost religious obsession with obama care? let s repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens. the tea party wing of the modern republican party was built every step of the way in singular opposition to obama care. that is its foundation and enduring mission. the origin story begins in hot, crowded town halls across the country. people are packing town hall meetings with politicians during the august congressional race. crowds were whipped into frenzies with a mythical death panels, soviet-style rationed care, and a secret plot to cut medicare. one day god is going to stand before you, and he s going to judge you. i don t want this country turning into russia, turning into a socialized country. and i don t want the government to do it for me.
focus on terrorists. get out of the country. wasn t he isn t he now look smarter than the policy we have now, this of this surge of almost 100,000 troops in there? keep in mind that biden has made many trips over to the country. i think he s right. i ve been a strong advocate for removing our troops. i think incidents like this only exacerbate it. the president did the right thing, but there will be continued turmoil. and this is just one more signal that we spent too much money and lost too many troops. why do they hate us so much that all it takes is something that s clearly or it s no worse than done by imagine there s a couple officers that were bad and did this. they hate the koran. okay. that s a couple of guys. worst case scenario. it s probably something like they say it is where they were passing messages with these books. but why is the whole country turning against us? they were it looks like they were spoiling for an issue. there s a lot of turmoil over there.
keep them aware the fact al qaeda could come back. focus on terrorists. get out of the country. wasn t he isn t he now look smarter than the policy we have now, this of this surge of almost 100,000 troops in there? keep in mind that biden has made many trips over to the country. i think he s right. i ve been a strong advocate for removing our troops. i think incidents like this only exacerbate it. the president did the right thing, but there will be continued turmoil. and this is just one more signal that we spent too much money and lost too many troops. why do they hate us so much that all it takes is something that s clearly or it s no worse than done by imagine there s a couple officers that were bad and did this. they hate the koran. okay. that s a couple of guys. worst case scenario. it s probably something like they say it is where they were passing messages with these books. but why is the whole country turning against us? they were it looks like they were spoiling f