Author of the article: Monte Sonnenberg
Publishing date: May 04, 2021 • 10 hours ago • 2 minute read • Businesses in Port Dover, Delhi and Port Rowan have joined the #SignWars marketing phenomenon that is sweeping North America. Above was the message flashing to motorists passing by Doerksen Country Market on Bay Street in Port Rowan on May 3. Monte Sonnenberg/Postmedia Network SunMedia
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The #SignWars phenomenon that erupted in the United States last month has touched down in Norfolk County.
Businesses in Port Dover and Port Rowan have begun calling each other out just for the pun of it. Meanwhile, more Norfolk businesses are expected to join in before the craze runs its course.
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PORT DOVER – The #SignWars phenomenon that erupted in the United States last month has touched down in Norfolk County.
Businesses in Port Dover and Port Rowan have begun calling each other out just for the pun of it. Meanwhile, more Norfolk businesses are expected to join in before the craze runs its course.
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“There’s a point to it,” says Adam Veri of Port Dover, a project manager with the marketing firm Barber and Veri. “It’s just another interesting way for businesses to keep the public’s attention on them.