paper and parts of the country. people are starving and watch was pretty recently, i visited as a kid, a rich country, a country making progress, to first world status, now, it is a disaster, one of the highest crime rates in the world. the shop is a maduro people did that. why not just say that? why they make excuses? like i said, everyone in the government acknowledges that thing like crime are too high and reforms are needed. that is something that was mentioned by chavez before he died in something that is still mentioned by nicolas maduro. but in terms of economics, the distinctions that the united states has put on venezuela, and the hoarding done by multinational corporations and venezuela certainly doesn t help the situation. tucker: okay, but that s not the real problem. the supreme court shut down the congress in venezuela. if you believe in democracy and you think people ought to have a say in the government, if the government is shutting down congress, that is authorita
paper and parts of the country. people are starving and watch was pretty recently, i visited as a kid, a rich country, a country making progress, to first world status, now, it is a disaster, one of the highest crime rates in the world. the shop is a maduro people did that. why not just say that? why they make excuses? like i said, everyone in the government acknowledges that thing like crime are too high and reforms are needed. that is something that was mentioned by chavez before he died in something that is still mentioned by nicolas maduro. but in terms of economics, the distinctions that the united states has put on venezuela, and the hoarding done by multinational corporations and venezuela certainly doesn t help the situation. tucker: okay, but that s not the real problem. the supreme court shut down the congress in venezuela. if you believe in democracy and you think people ought to have a say in the government, if the government is shutting down congress, that is authorita
visit, promoting his message for president obama. this is a pivotal election. no country making progress on creating a society where people share the future. not a single one got there with a militant, bitter, anti-government strategy. what works in the modern world is partnership. it s not business versus government. the way it s set up by our opponents in this election. it s business and government working together. clinton is all in for the president s re-election campaign. the times is also reporting he s agreed to do fund raising in october. and he ll appear in more political ads like this one. this is a clear choice. the republican plan is to cut more taxes on a few weeks ago republicans were talking about bill clinton, like he was their favorite democrat. i don t think we ll hear much of that any time soon. joining me now, dana milbank,