O R G slash listen tell your smart speaker to play W O U B. I I m your Macau going on welcome to live in the for Peace Ranch stuff and Grossman s a lot of instructional things over the years and he s a wonderful man to listen to whether he s playing his own work or reverend Davis . I am. I am. You have to understand also the 1st row the good topic is in the like me and we I m a guitar player. Now and I was 15. I was going to an all boys high school Brooklyn Tech. And I had no idea how to relate to women. So my brother who is older. Said You have to learn how to play an instrument guitars a good one for picking up girls. I thought OK well watched I do my brother s name was called What should I do so it will go to Greenwich Village and I looked at my parents who were typical Jewish Brooklyn communists. And I says that all right mom and dad to go to Greenwich Village said Yes yes get some of those you know commie records Woody Guthrie Pete Seeger and all that stuff I said OK And so I we
Keep p.f. a Baseball cap for $80.00 a pledge of Asian Alors their black and their beautiful caps so you can pick up a keep if a black baseball cap for pledge of 80 or you can get a t. Shirt a cape if a t. Shirt for $65.00 or a hoodie a black pullover hoodie for $100.00 So there are some other options that we re offering here other than blues posters and C.D. s and of course you know we ve been talking about the hound of Taylor. See d.l.p. And would love for you to add this one to your library and to learn all about the life and times of Dog Taylor who Xscape from the k.k.k. Yes. He Xscape from the throes of the k.k.k. Were out after him in Mississippi he hid in ditches he hid in crevices along the side of the road he did everything he could to evade the horrors . Of the k.k.k. In Mississippi and made it to Chicago and that was the beginning of his legacy working in Chicago s a blues musician so he lived the real thing I mean we re talking about culture here and this goes back to oral
Welcome to life in the Fur Peace Ranch I m your McAlpin on. Roy Black is quite simply one of the finest blues women around as an artist singer and guitarist there are very few that compare with her work her own songs are intense and personal and her interpretations of classic blues material are unmatched She s a dynamic performer and an advocate for the Blues both past and present Please welcome Rory Block. Of Troy. From Bersih. Kelly let me you really. Have to crawl. When standing at a crossroads. You know that it s you know going. Everybody but as soon. Saw them go down. On fall on Dr can make you the. Dark own kids me. Now. Feel my kid. Was. Still my friend oh when you grow. Older. Tell my friend oh what a grown. Man I m standing out across through. Sink in. With. Me. From. A. Crossroad by Robert Johnson. I never have a setlist saw him actually taking the time right now to think what should I do next that my students might appreciate I know what a song house song The latest album i
And survived and thrived at a time when everything was against them that s blind black and blue coming up with the World Service of the news b.b.c. News with Suman Gomery Democrats in the United States of criticize the point times for withholding documents on Brett Kavanaugh president Trump s nominee to the u.s. Supreme Court lawyers for the former president George w. Bush have decided that 27000 documents relating to Mr Cavanaugh his time working there during Mr Bush s presidency should be protected on to constitutional privilege more than 100000 other documents have also been withheld by the white tongues speaking on the American network n.b.c. The Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar Shaw said the Senate committee should be able to view them this is not normal you have a nominee with x. Flank credentials with his family behind him you have the cameras area of the senator s questioning but this isn t normal it s not normal because we are not able to see 100000 document Senate hearings o
Tonight my baby is now me. I want granny straight back on. The nano abandon everything. I walk around a man made back on. Me when our own and. All night long. You. That was little Charlie in the night cat string Kansas City woman off their big break CD and before that we had Memphis Lendu and Roland humbly and from my south side reunion with Buddy Guy. And Junior Wells on that album and we started their show off with Bobby Blue Bland doing blues in the night. I m fuzzy Mike I m going to be here till 6 o clock playin blues for you and we re taking requests at 75 for Katie vs the 530-754-5387 yeah getting towards the end of the season here. T.J. She actually. Taking a little break from the action I m sitting in a plane some old school blues for you I m going to keep things going here with. Are some little sonny Yeah that s that So with something called YOU MAKE ME STRONG . Ever since I met you. Man. You re telling me about being. A woman to give a man and. You give me your. Looks just