Lions Club centennial and park dedication May 13 MEEKER | The Meeker Lions Club is celebrating 100 years of service this year with an anniversary celebration and park dedication on Saturday, May 13 at 4 p.m. Free lunch/dinner provided. the Park on 6th and Cleveland (admin building). BMS STEM Games Carnival May 18 MEEKER
Community dinners every third Thursday MEEKER | Community dinners are the third Thursday of every month from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Methodist Church Elbert Hall. Piceance Mustang Auction April 28-29 MEEKER | Don't miss your chance to bid on a Piceance mustang during Meeker Mustang Makeover's pick-up day event. Public viewing of the
Historical Society quarterly meeting Sunday MEEKER | The Rio Blanco County Historical Society’s second quarter membership meeting is Sunday, April 16 at 1 p.m. at the Heritage Culture Center, 517 Park, in Meeker. There will be a potluck taco bar (bring taco fixings or something else to share), a quilt raffle at 2 p.m. (tickets