thousands of these atrocities take place every year in our country andd the incidence of them is rising, a story in bise news yesterday claimed that in 2017, there were 7,175 hate b crimes in america. reporters almost never do their own statistical analysis for stories like this, they tend to be bad at math. that s why they are journalists in the first place and not in private equity making real money. instead they take their numbers from holy fraudulent organizations like the southern poverty law center. these groups use moral panics to gin up fund-raising, they get rich doing it so they continue. the problem is there aren t that many hate crimes occurring in the country, it s just not a very hateful place so they have to make them up. how do they do that? they do it, and this is key,e by counting accusations as crimes. an accusation is not the same thing as a crime, it s not even close. if i accuse you of committing