terry anderson is free. he was the last of the american hostages held by pro-iranian terrorists in beirut, lebanon. in the beginning of the 90s terrorism was thought to be done. people likely to use terrorism to achieve political objectives were dead, in jail or part of the peace process. a syrian delegation is in washington today, ready to meet with israel to talk about middle east peace. we thought the 90s would be a time of peace. not only was the cold war over, we had won. we have before us the opportunity to forge a new world order, a world where the rule of law governs the conduct of nations. the world was changing, and it was an exciting time for those who really viewed america as the nation that would embrace globalization. but there were many people who didn t like that changing america. in maples, idaho about 40 miles from the canadian border federal marshals are surrounding a cabin, where a fugitive white supremacist named randy weaver is holed
Bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms because he had links to the aryan nations. And they tried to pressure him to inform on his friends in the movement, and he refused. Weaver is summoned to court for a weapons charge that involves the selling of some sawedoff shotguns to Law Enforcement. Now a force of 200 police, federal agents and the National Guard have surrounded the house. This is nothing more than a show of force to scare everybody who lives up here in north idaho. We all have guns in our houses. We all have guns buried someplace. Northern idaho has become home for a lot of people like randy weaver who want to be away from the problems of civilization and from civilization itself. Hes not a terrorist. Hes not endangering anybody. Everybody that knows him has talked about him as a good, loving Christian Family man. Never before has Northern Idaho witnessed this kind of fire power from the federal government. What should have been a relatively routine arrest went very badly wro
in the 1970s, we were dealing with terrorist groups. in this case there was no group that could be identified. this was the actions of one single individual. we did not realize that terrorism seemed to be moving in a new direction. [ sirens ] a mysterious explosion underground has spread smoke and terror throughout the gigantic world trade towers today. at 18 minutes after noon, something terrible happened here in lower manhattan. counterterrorism sources tell cnn they now suspect the explosion was caused by a car bomb. the bombing was designed to bring down the north tower and the north tower than falling into the south tower. that did not, of course, collapse the towers. but it did kill six people and injure over 1,000 more. i was very concerned. anything like that, any
we did not realize that terrorism seemed to be moving in a new direction. [ sirens ] a mysterious explosion underground has spread fire and smoke and terror throughout the gigantic world trade towers today. at 18 minutes after noon, something terrible happened here in lower manhattan. counterterrorism sources tell cnn they now suspect the explosion was caused by a car bomb. the bombing was designed to bring down the north tower and the north tower then falling into the south tower. it did not, of course, collapse the towers. but it did kill six people and injure over 1,000 more. i was very concerned. anything like that, any accident, tragedy, anything of moment you feel it very personally. the thing that s most amazing is that more people weren t killed, especially having
we did not realize that terrorism seemed to be moving in a new direction. [ sirens ] a mysterious explosion underground has spread fire and smoke and terror throughout the gigantic world trade towers today. at 18 minutes after noon, something terrible happened here in lower manhattan. counterterrorism sources tell cnn they now suspect the explosion was caused by a car bomb. the bombing was designed to bring down the north tower and the north tower then falling into the south tower. it did not, of course, collapse the towers. but it did kill six people and injure over 1,000 more. i was very concerned. anything like that, any accident, tragedy, anything of moment you feel it very personally. the thing that s most amazing is that more people weren t