Has been putting out a lot of the wait time data as part of being very transparent about this. There has been concern that at the facility level they may not be looking at exactly the same data that we were releasing. We wanted to be very careful that we didnt have facility or Network Directors appear to be misleading their congressionals by saying, well, this is where we are and then having this National Data release Say Something different. So there was a caution put out to wait until we had distributed the data to them that was going to be released, and i will say it was an illworded document and it was followed immediately by a statement of clarity. This was not intended that they could not talk to congressionals, to just hold off until they had the data that they could talk to them about and ensure they were getting the right data. You know, we get terribly compromised if we dont if weve got one person saying one thing and another saying another, and we want to make sure as we mov
We can do with mexico and there was a real desire to move aggressively on education and so in a complementary way to the 100,000 strong in the americas, the Mexican Government has sought to create binational structures that really go further to do things together with united ontes and we created a Forum Education to be able to expand opportunities between our countries and in particular to expand the research and the innovation opportunities with technology, with incubators, so that we can do more to develop that workforce in these countries. And i know that you understand why that is important. The university of texas at our explored at el paso the specific potential of the border region in increasing the bilateral collaboration in this area. The borderarea where will be able to help us and show us how this kind of interaction exchange is possible. On infrastructure, im going to speak briefly because i think you have had a conversation about that and no more than i do. But i do think
From the American Energy point of view, iraq matters. Youve been there many times. The Central Government collapses and the iranians enrich and the world as a whole suffers. The American People its in our National Security interest not to give these guys safe haven in syria and iraq because the next 9 11 could very well come from that region, is that an is that anover statement or is that in the area of possibility . As i have said in other settings, there are several groups the al qaeda ideology has spread as we have seen. Several of the groups are more dangerous than others. Would you put this at the top . I think at this point in time i would probably keep al qaeda on the arabian peninsula. Director of National Intelligence says he thinks the deterioration in syria now is a direct threat to the homeland. Is he right . If he said it, and if he is assessing that its there now, then i would agree with him. Does that make sense to you . It makes sense they will be a threat to the homela
The speaker the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered today by our guest chaplain, mr. Rajan zed, universal society of hinduism, reno, evada. The chaplain ohm. The transnenl glory on the supreme, who is inside the heart, inside the life of the sky and inside the soul of the heaven. May he stimulate and illuminate our minds. Lead us from the unreal to the real, from darkness to light, from death to immortality. Fulfill all your duties, action is better than inaction, selfish actions imprison the world, act selflessly without any part of personal profit. Strive constantly to solve the welfare of the world. By devotion to selfless work, one attained to the supreme goal of life. May we become united with the all powerful and allknowing lord who dwells in the hearts of all, is the supreme goal of life and infinite peace and love. Lord, be kind to us with your invisible form, lead us to eternal joy, fill our hearts with unending peace and free us from all bondage. Abandon us not
Didnt have a problem doing it, but i would find it strange if there was any less disagreement over the how much one enjoyed having to do it or whether or not we should have done it . I would be surprised if there wasnt that disagreement in the military. One of the things i find odd right here is seems like no one is disagreeing with the principle. It was just how it was handled, how it was handled, you know, saying he was a hero, given the rose garden deal and all that. It doesnt seem line the principle is one correct me if im wrong. It sounds like the principle is one you agree with. Its the principle and the price we paid. I would argue well have to pay again to deal with these gentlemen in the future. And congressman, i think that it was a good price, and i think it was worth the risk to get Sergeant Bergdahl back home. Thank you, mr. Chairman. The chair recognizes the gentleman from florida, mr. Desantis. You said, well, maybe they thought beheading bergdahl would have been better,