rather ironic. joe: dick durbin said today, what is this? that s literally his quote. marie: if are republicans of a better idea, put on the table and we will debate it. so far there is no other proposal. harris: this is your party! i m just quoting her party. dagen: since 2005, emissions have fallen 30% because of natural gas. marie: and we are still on target we are still in don mcgahn tech from planning to him so much that will be reversible very soon be to talk to china. joe: unless india and china are on board they are the biggest polluters. harris: y all are going to miss that part, but here s what s coming. fired acting fbi director andrew mccabe is doubling down on his claims that he told congressional leaders about the russia counterintelligence probe. but now a former top lawmakers disputing that. who is telling the truth here? plus, 2020 candidate bernie sanders raising the stakes as some democrats appear to be conflicted about the party
enough to build about 180 miles of a border wall immediately, without waiting for the court challenges to play out. shannon, you know better than anybody else, the court challenges can take quite some time to play out. shannon: well into the 2020 election, if not beyond. good news for them if they try to put together their assets, they say they got them on this. we will see with the court say pure thank you, kristin their former acting fbi director s telling his story again tonight. andrew mccabe making new claims about efforts to protect evidence and keep congressional leadership in the loop on his investigation of the president. keep intelligence corresponding catherine herridge tracking the story for us tonight. catherine? we are at the beginning of an investigation peered on his book to her, the former acting fbi director andrew mccabe said he briefed congressional leadership on the counterintelligence probe into the president. i told congress to anyone object? not on
reporter: even without the emergency declaration the white house says it has identified $4.5 billion of additional funds which would be enough to build 180 miles of border wall immediately without waiting for the challenges to play out and you know better than anybody in these court challenges it can take some time to play out. well into the 2020 election if not beyond so good news for them as they tried to put together their assets. the former acting fbi director is telling his story again tonight. andrew mccabe making new claims about efforts to protect evidence and keep congressional leadership in the loop on his investigation of the president. katherine herridge tracking the story tonight. we are at the beginning of an investigation. the former fbi director andrew mccabe said congressional leadership on a counterintelligence probe into the president. did anyone object? no one objected, not legal grounds, not on constitutional grounds, not based on fact. reporter: a me
commenting so far. there is new scrutiny tonight for former deputy director andrew mccabe. he says he told congressional leaders about his decision to open an investigation into president trump s relationship with russia. senior lawmaker remembers it differently. here s chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge. we are on a figure he briefed congressional leadership on the counterintelligence probe into the president. did anyone object? no an a member of the so-called gang of eight called mccabe s claim of using and possibly misleading. senior lawmakers near the fbi effectively opened a case on trump by investigating his campaign. something we talked about that they never seriously considered. mccabe thought about invoking
most importantly mccabe explained why trump s actions prompted him to open an obstruction investigation and a counterintelligence probe of the president. there were a number of things that caused us to believe that we had adequate predication or adequate reason, facts to open the investigation. the president had gone to jim comey and specifically asked him to discontinue the investigation of mike flynn which was a part of our russia case. the president then fired the director. these circumstances are facts that indicated that a crime may have been committed. the president may have been engaged in obstruction of justice in the firing of jim comey. all those same sorts of facts cause us to wonder, is there an inappropriate relationship, a connection between this president and our most fearsome enemy, the government of russia? the story that s received the