to just a couple of cans and not knowing where the next one will come from. norah. o donnell: so stressful. janet shamlian, thank you. we want to turn now to america s overdose crisis and what s considered by the d.e.a. to be the primary drug threat facing this country, fentanyl. the leading cause of death for americans between 18 and 45 isn t covid, it s not car accidents, it s fentanyl overdoses. and the threat for teens is even more concerning. on this first-ever national fentanyl awareness day, we talk exclusive with d.e.a. chief anne milgrim about how the agency is zeroing in on where the killer drug is coming from. it s stunning to think that more than three-quarters of all teen overdose deaths last year involved fentanyl. it s stunning. we worry a lot about teens and young adults for a variety of reasons. one, social media. we know that these fake counterfeit prescription pills are widely available on social media.
The Clay County Sheriff's Office is hosting two Community Drug Education Summits next week in response to noticing an uptick in overdoses linked to pills laced with fentanyl.
The Clay County Sheriff's Office is currently investigating six overdose deaths involving counterfeit prescription pills laced with fentanyl, up from two deaths in all of 2020.
as long as they make money they do not care. a lot of this, the counterfeit prescription pills are killing people, coming in from canada, from mexico. so, it is a problem. and, like i said, as long as they make money, they do not care. ainsley: a lot of it. steve: no kidding. javier and steve murphy took down pablo escobar and inspired the tv show narcos. good luck on chill today. thank you very much. steve: 6:30 in new york city. the life and times of a suspected cop killer. a magazine highlighting the life of the man police say killed a chicago police superintendent. the outrage growing this morning. ainsley: plus our good friend larry gatlin is here. you know anything can happen. steve: what kind of guitar is that?