Fr. Jerryvel Celestial with the whole Grupo Progreso slate composed of Ed Guillem, Dr. Chris Sorongon, Vice Mayor El Cid Familiaran, Mayor Evelio Leonardia, congressional aspirant Dan Atayde, Councilor Carl Lopez, Marlon Solidum (l-r, first row), Cash Montalvo, Em Ang, Cindy Rojas, Jonathan Diaz, Councilors Renecito Novero, Archie Baribar and Israel Salanga (l-r, second row) after a holy mass at the Lupit Church in Bacolod City
A panel headed by Bacolod Mayor Evelio Leonardia and Vice Mayor El Cid Familiaran will lead the city contingent in the 2 p.m. discussion today via a Webex