By Paula Pyzik Scott The February 12 meeting of the Village of Bluffton Council included reports on a grant opportunity for Buckeye Park, consideration of providing sewerage for parts of Allen County, surveying the alley by Bluffton Presbyterian Church and creating four designated use parking spots by Town Hall. BILLS The February 12 Voucher Report lists $163,535 in payments
By Andy Chappell-Dick With the approval of Bluffton Village Council, a local group will continue planning and fundraising for a new dog park, with construction set for spring. At the October 21 Council meeting, Councilor Ben Stahl reported on a series of meetings held by the Parks and Recreation Committee with Matthew Ellerbrock, a local resident who has been exploring the
By Andy Chappell-Dick The June 26 meeting of the Bluffton Council followed on the heels of two public information meetings about the Village's new natural gas aggregation status. Several Councilors and Administrators participated and Councilor Ben Stahl had a pithy endorsement for joining the aggregation managed by Palmer Energy: "I work full time. Their market analyst works